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Dictation Of New York (by MikeN2014)

 MikeN2014 (8)    (41 / M-F / New York)
12-Dec-14 6:43 pm
On December 10th, 2014 New York's governor Andrew Cuomo passed a bill that would allow sex changes be covered by insurance. Lee Albertorio felt like a man trapped in a woman’s body.*After serving in the Air Force, he began taking hormones, which deepened his voice and made his physique more masculine.He changed his passport to reflect that he was male, and last year he decided to have amastectomy, known as top surgery. But his insurance company told him the operation was cosmetic and refused to cover it, he said Wednesday.


How is this treatment medically necessary? And why do I have to pay for it? How am I going to benefit from this? I'm not transgender, so why am I FORCED to pay for it? Are they humiliated & broke like the mid class taxpayer? And why isn't the AIR FORCE paying for it? Why are WE being FORCED to pay for hormones so that a man can grow breasts and have penis removal? This will surely be likely to skyrocket premiums.

Take Obamacare for instance (something else we HAVE to pay for) As a single male without children (like myself) HAS to pay for someone else's: pre natal care, birth control, maternity care, mammograms, lactation consultants, breastfeeding equipment etc.. Why the hell should I be MADE to pay for someone else and then fine me cos I don't by into to that *cough cough extortion cough taxation without representation cough*

But Tom Harkin, chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committe says and I quote "You can think of it as a public investment, just like roads, schools, and power lines—goods for which we all help pay, regardless of actual use." Which is a load of horse sh*t, why should women pay for other women? Why do responsible men & women have to pay so much for the irresponsible? Supporting and taking care of your SO is one thing . But paying for the iresposibity of another person is ridiculous And why should I be MADE to pay for someone else's birth control? What happened to personal accountability?

Sorry to go off topic but I digress,

What should NY pay for next?
Stockings & heels on SSI? Edible panties on food stamps?

I don't mind taxes for public schools, but this is insanity
No wonder MIDDLE CLASS working LEGAL citizens are FLEEING New York State.

And this is all from a state that banned free 2 liter sodas from being delivered with pizza, welfare paid by the state via tax payers (which more than 98% are 3rd & 4th generation cases), banned smoking in ALL pubic buildings including bars, passed gay marriage WITHOUT a single vote by the people of New York State, just like what Cuomo just passed, which is now MANDATORY for insurance companies to cover.

In any case why is it that minority rules and not the Majority any more and what happened to states rights? It looks more like our rights and freedoms are slowly getting stripped away by the day and not many seem to notice or seem to care, why is that?



Last edited by MikeN2014; 12-Dec-14 6:57 pm.
13-Dec-14 3:15 am
@MikeN2014: Um....aren't you unemployed? How are 'you' paying for any of this?



 MikeN2014 (8)    (41 / M-F / New York)
13-Dec-14 3:28 am
@SammyToo: atm yes I am, but, taxes are still taken outta of my unemployment. But I WILL be back to work soon, no worries on that. I'm certainly not one to sit on my butt and collect money at the expense of hard working others



13-Dec-14 10:07 am
@MikeN2014: As to the why's? Imo & many psychologists & socialists, historians.... the majority of the people love to be lead. They want a daddy or husband figure in political power. They want to believe they are safe, protected & that " father knows best" & live in hope & even denial, that he will do what is best.

" The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see there rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed"
*Author of MEIN KAMPH*



Last edited by Zilya777; 13-Dec-14 10:17 am.
13-Dec-14 10:50 am
@MikeN2014: OUR society rests & relies on the backs & purses of the middle class.. Which is of course disappearing, even the definition of it is changing. People making $30,000 a year are referring to themselves as middle class now * ah hell no, it is $50-70,000, smfh* . Unfortunately they are comparing themselves to the lower class instead of facing reality.
There are many articles & books on " THE NEW POOR " & "THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MIDDLE CLASS"
And I think you will agree "money doesn't buy you class, just ass". Middle class is/ was , thinks, acts, speaks & even eats & dresses differently than Upper & Lower. And it is dying out & being driven out. I fled a major city,most of my many relatives did. Mayors across the country in major cities (NY, Philadelphia, Chicago etc.) are diligently trying to recruit people to come back. But people with 2 or more years of college and/ or born middle class & upper middle class, will NOT return. It will never happen. When they f*ck with your money, end of story or hell would break loose.

BTW: I'm aware of everything you mentioned in your original post. I absolutely agree with you.

Obama care, also covers Viagra. * sorry,not my problem if some old man can't get it up"

I also read about NY trying to make breastfeeding mandatory. I'm going to check on the status of that insanity. After all who is going to pay for those mom's to stay home & do it. Smfh.

The soda control issue: that has spread to Maryland now. I ordered $50.00 in take out. And they refused to deliver 2 litter, Brisk ice tea. * sugar & caffeine*. They only deliver, lemonade, in 20oz bottles.. But said I could order as many as I wanted. Are they f*cking kidding me!? Now the powers that be, not only want to control my body, my money,but my diet!?

They can suck my Euro+American d*ck!!!

Rant over



Last edited by Zilya777; 13-Dec-14 10:56 am.
 BigPapaRedneck (11)       (46 / M-F / Kansas)
13-Dec-14 10:58 am
I am awash in the common sense.



13-Dec-14 8:45 pm
@MikeN2014: If you get any stats on immigration, I appreciate it if you post them. I know YOUR state & MINE our TWO of the Obama's designated * cough, dumping ground, cough*, for ILLEGAL immigrants. Seriously, they are being "relocated", housed, cared for here.
Taxpayers are paying for this. When we hear " the government or state ".. It is taxpayers. And again nobody asked us. There was no vote or consensus. I guess the exodus of middle class will continue, along with the pleading to come back and PAY FOR IT ALL.
BTW: They " Illegal Immigrants ", " Illegal Aliens"... No, longer want to be referred to, as what they legally are.. Smfh.



 MikeN2014 (8)    (41 / M-F / New York)
14-Dec-14 3:30 am
Seriously they are being "relocated , housed, care for here
Yeah and strangely enough, we are rewarding these criminals (they are here illegally, so illegal is illegal, which in turn you are breaking the law, so indeed you are a criminal) with; free college tuition, drivers license, which btw last I checked you had to have a social security number & road test not to mention able to read the road signs to get a drivers license. And their children are being integrated into our public schools, most of them can't speak any english, so that's going to slow everything down for the LEGAL children in the classroom and also cost taxpayers more money to hire translators, smh. My ancestors were native American and the government MADE them speak english and take a Christian name or they wouldn't be recognized. So why can't we make them speak English.

All said, How can we as a bankrupt nation, borrowing from China pay for all this & why should we?



Last edited by MikeN2014; 14-Dec-14 3:42 am.
 MikeN2014 (8)    (41 / M-F / New York)
14-Dec-14 3:36 am
BTW: They " Illegal Immigrants ", " Illegal Aliens"... No, longer want to be referred to, as what they legally are.. Smfh.
And this gentleman says it best, they are upset cos they are being "labeled" illegal immigrants, so now it's undocumented immigrants, hmm why do you suppose you're "undocumented" maybe because you're here ILLEGALLY



14-Dec-14 11:18 am
BTW: They " Illegal Immigrants ", " Illegal Aliens"... No, longer want to be referred to, as what they legally are.. Smfh.
And this gentleman says it best, they are upset cos they are being "labeled" illegal immigrants, so now it's undocumented immigrants, hmm why do you suppose you're "undocumented" maybe because you're here ILLEGALLY
In , USA TODAY(a graph)
Source: Pew Hispanic Center

Tracking the undocumented

Where illegal immigrants come from...

Africa & Other 3%
Europe & Canada 6%
Asia 13%
Other Latin America 22%
Mexico. 56%

. and where they go:
CALIFORNIA. 2,450,000
TEXAS. 1,380,000
FLORIDA 885,000
NEW YORK. 635,000
ARIZONA. 450,000

* Notice the ATTEMPT at (yet) ANOTHER, new 'politically correct' ... WORD PLAY
" Change " (Obama's slogan), change the words/ terms/phrases, often enough & (ignornant, & easily lead) people will change their thinking/ views* SMFH !



Last edited by Zilya777; 14-Dec-14 11:25 am.
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