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Real or Fake?? (by MissNicole)
Even with a verified picture or phone number you never know if the person talking to you is the person they say. I try to always believe untill given a reason not to. "Innocent till proven guilty" and all. But when some really good points are brought to your attention, you cannot play dumb and act like you don't see what they are saying. I met some people on here I consider friends even if only in cyber space. One I was able to go to for an honest opinion and the other two have been honest as well. So I am going to put more weight in what they say. You want to be taken seriously on here? Then yes, verify your picture and phone number. But also, make sure your information is correct and truthful. The truth will set you free.
@Lola381: You are one of the ones I was meaning. As well as Rainbowbutterfly. Anybody needs a good ally then I would vote for talking to one of these two.
Last edited by MissNicole; 18-Sep-12 9:47 am.
OP, when you becomes a forum addict , you'll learn to spot a very suspicious pic or even a profile ... Of course there are some exceptions for that ...:)
@Rainbowbutterfly: Like I said, I paid hardly enough attention to him because he didn't speak much to me. I only have time at night to really play on the site for very long. I have kids running around the rest of the time. But hey. You have to strike out once in a while or you never appreciate the home run.
@ Nicole Thankyou for your friendship also you know i told you that you are a wise young lady one is never too old to learn :)
@Lola: Only the cocky stop learning. And it's because they do not want to learn. There will always be something new to learn every day.
Your right about that Sissy, and some of the verification pis are getting pretty sophisticated at trying to fake one, but after a while, they get easy to spot!
The fact that people would even want to fake their verification pic is rather sad.
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