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Keep it simple (by WalkSoftly)
I suggest any thread made in any categories in in the "Give Feedback" section be restricted to the Op and Admin only....unless Admin specifies otherwise
Maybe minus the make a suggestion threads, but I agree that it might help, especially if the thread is for Andres and others feel the need for smartas$ replies or snide comments.
Ay least in these sections...
Request a New Feature
Make a Suggestion
Report a Problem
Ask for Help
Or police it to be more on topic
Request a New Feature
Make a Suggestion
Report a Problem
Ask for Help
Or police it to be more on topic
Last edited by WalkSoftly; 5-Mar-14 6:01 am.
Or have a "To Admin" section.....strictly for that purpoae here on forums
Maybe its time u start submitting your application letters to Dating team for employment...;)
Last edited by pinket; 5-Mar-14 9:19 am.
I actually like seeing other replies regarding any feedback before making any decisions. It helps me gauge what the community as a whole is thinking and experiencing. Also, sometimes other members jump in and answer the question before I even see it, and that saves everyone time.
I actually like seeing other replies regarding
any feedback before making any decisions.
It helps me gauge what the community as a
whole is thinking and experiencing. Also,
sometimes other members jump in and
answer the question before I even see it, and
that saves everyone time.
any feedback before making any decisions.
It helps me gauge what the community as a
whole is thinking and experiencing. Also,
sometimes other members jump in and
answer the question before I even see it, and
that saves everyone time.
Maybe its time u start submitting your
application letters to Dating
team for employment...;)
application letters to Dating
team for employment...;)
why are you so concerned about this thread and the other one? all you're doing is targeting and trying to start drama
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Quick reply:
- Be respectful at all times.
- Be mature and act like an adult.
- Respect different points of view.
- Discuss ideas, not specific users.
- Don't get personal.
- No profanity.
- No drama.
- No thread hijacking.
- No trolling.
- No spamming.
- No soliciting.
- No duplicate posting.
- No posting in the wrong section.
- No posting of contact information.
- Be welcoming to new users.
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