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12-Jan-16 6:21 pm
Post: You know... I've haven't been invited to anyone's... Thread: What YOU look forward to at someone's birthday party? (5 rep. / 1 views)
9-Jan-16 10:21 pm
Post: I got told I was to blame for a giant screw up...... Thread: What was your 'I don't get paid enough for this ****' moment? (7 rep. / 1 views)
6-Jan-16 1:18 pm
Post: Bringing awareness to anxiety disorders and how... Thread: What personal crusade are you waging that no one else cares about? (6 rep. / 2 views)
6-Jan-16 1:16 pm
Post: I'm attractive
Instantly more attractive... Thread: What are some simple things you can do to make yourself more attractive? (3 rep. / 840 views)
6-Jan-16 1:15 pm
Post: Needles. Heights. Spiders. Using the phone. Life.... Thread: What genuinely terrifies you? (4 rep. / 1 views)
3-Jan-16 3:39 am
Post: Because she stole from my parents Thread: Why is your Ex-friend an Ex-friend? (1 rep. / 663 views)
25-Dec-15 7:18 pm
Post: The first 3 days I pay off my student loans 10k... Thread: You get $10,000 a day for the rest of your life but if you do not spend it by midnight the money sto (1 rep. / 710 views)
24-Dec-15 11:01 pm
Post: I had to wait 30mins for AOL to load Thread: What will be your generation's equivalent of "I had to walk 15 miles uphill both ways in the snow?" (1 rep. / 718 views)