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My [27F] Husband [28M] is addicted to porn and has 0 interest in me. I've been supportive, but reach (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (29 / M-F / Massachusetts)
5-Jun-18 3:51 pm
My [27F] Husband [28M] is addicted to porn and has 0 interest in me. I've been supportive, but reached breaking point. What next step to care for my own mental well-being?

You can probably imagine the details about porn addiction.
"The situation" is me venting, you can skip that to get to my actual question. Thank you!
The Situation

At first I was patient, comforted him that it’d be okay. It was good he was aware of it, don’t be so ashamed of it. I think at that point he was procrastinating with porn? I’m not sure where the line is to call it addiction… I gave tips on self-forgiveness and preventing it from getting worse. My focus was 100% on being non-judgemental and encouraging.
I didn’t mind that he was disinterested in sex or affection. Lower libido, not related to porn, right?
It got worse.
I started feeling really starved of affection, so I focused on that. Made a lot of advances on him all day long. Aggressive advances and just small gestures of love, like rubbing his shoulders or kissing his head. I didn’t get rejected… I didn’t even get ignored. I just didn’t get noticed. Mentioned it in couple’s counseling. It doesn’t have to be sex, but I’d like it if you reciprocate me kissing you etc. He tried. Awkwardly. The disinterest was painful to see. It was so obvious he was forcing himself.
I asked for things. Can you do this or that? Can we have shower sex? I scheduled sex together with him. Tuesday evening. Tonight. It didn’t happen. I combined the planning with seducing him - getting us out of the door for a date, dressing up in exactly what he’d like, sending naughty pictures and messages to prepare… No matter how physical the advance, like naked and rubbing oil on his genitals, it wouldn't get a rise out of him
I've bought gifts for him and left notes.
My face is not the prettiest, but goddamn I have smokin’ hot body. With the combination of lucky genes and daily hard work on myself, I'm very aware of looking awesome (at least below the chin :P ).
So I’ve tried to make my own selfies and videos - I’d spent 2-3 hours daily for a few weeks to get the best possible with self recording, so he had least could show appreciation by having me on his screen for one out of ten fap sessions or I don’t know?
I remember that I’d dress up and we’d go out and he’d be so proud. Now he’s ogling every woman out there.
Like if he sees a woman with long dress, he needs to fap to porn of women with long dresses. If he sees a jeans ad, he needs to go fap to butts. If there’s a blond girl around, … You get the gist.
I’ve begged him to let me blow him or give strip teases when he wants to fap. Not even every time… just… I want something.
I’ve encouraged more sleep and exercise, I’ve overly enthusiastically praised him for having fun with friends. He’s not depressed (yes, got checked out by a therapist and a psychiatrist, and he doesn’t want therapy anyway because he thinks everyone should fix themselves).
Eventually I outright begged him to get better (I left time between each time I asked to not overwhelm him). In person, in voice messages, in text messages. I explained how horrible I felt.
I outright told him "I've been feeling secondary to porn". I'v explained exactly how I felt, how he could help by just showing some interest in me... just anything, you know?
A few days ago he said "I still think you're attractive" and yesterday he said "Your selfie is nice", but... that's all. That's all.
It’s not even about fapping, I think, he doesn’t seem horny at all if that makes sense. It’s just porn, porn, porn. He’s got things going on, a part-time job and some freelance work and he’s dropping the freelance work. He’s got plenty of friends and hobbies, so I don’t see it being a cop-out for boredom or loneliness (I think it started as procrastination and got out of hand because porn is inherently addictive?).
I’ve begged him to find help/support. When he didn’t, I figured he didn’t know where to start, so I’ve made a document with therapy options and helplines, that he didn’t download or open. I’ve sent to porn addiction helpline to his phone so he could just tap it to call.
I'm giving up, what now?

I seriously can deal with not having sex. I'm a horny woman but I'm also patient and considerate. It’s this horrible feeling of being unwanted, absolutely unwanted, by the only man I want to be desired by. Heck, even just disinterest would be easier to deal with than him actively choosing porn and pictures every single time. Everything and anything on his screen is better than me (not sure how to interpret ogling strangers?). It's crushing. I rocked this situation like a champ but the past three weeks it’s finally become too much for me. Now I feel devastated, alone, I’m crying so much.
So… I’ve tried everything. I give up. What now? I’m not ready to divorce, but I wonder if a separation would be good? Not to shake him awake, but for my sake… not being around him, not being confronted with him prioritizing porn over me or our marriage. Would that help? Because moving out would also rub it in my face how bad it has gotten. I’m also not sure what a timeline would be before divorce happens. Do I wait one year? One year till what, effort to get better or being addiction-free?
I want to shift my focus onto myself. What do I do? I'm in therapy, but we're discussing work anxiety (I work from home & recently botched a big project, that's been rough on me). Note, my husband is not emotionally available to support any other aspect of my life like work, health, general concerns.
Because it's an addiction , I'm actually not mad at him. But it reached breaking point and I'm suffering. I cannot help him. How do I help myself?
I need to stop thinking "I can find something so I can help him" and focus on myself, because goddammit I'm sad and stressed and crying every day.
I've not been wanting to talk about it with anyone, since it's waaay too personal information about my husband, that would be a breach of trust.
I'm gonna repeat this for emphasis; I do not want to divorce yet. I will consider other drastic steps like moving out. Maybe small gifts for myself can help a lot too? Like buying a full-body massage for myself. I got some donuts, lol, but that didn't make me feel better. They were yummy though!
TL;DR So yeah, while half of the post is about being affection-starved, my actual question is: "What do I do for self-care, when feeling devastated that my husband isn't there for me?".




 JusM3uC (0)    (42 / F-M / Utah)
1-Nov-23 2:20 am
@Sparky: i don't have a "real" answer for u. I say love yurself & divorce or learn to live w/it. Similar situation here...



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